Thursday, August 29, 2013

What is Paganism?

If you stopped and asked your average Joe Schmoe on the street this question you would get a few different responses. Well first, he would probably be wondering why some random stranger is quizzing him on theology, but that's irrelevant. In truth, he most likely will have little to no idea. His response may be something along the lines of "something people use to believe a long time ago?". Wow, thanks Joe...or maybe he is better informed than we assumed and replies, "a common religion among the civilizations of the Classical Era." Much better Joe! But these responses have a common theme...

 Used to believe, long time ago. Not anymore. Paganism is a thing of the past, is it not? Nobody still believes in that stuff, right? No no, my friend, I'm afraid you are mistaken. Paganism is still very much around and never really went anywhere! Sure, it faded greatly here in the Western world, but many people forget that many Eastern religions are considered to be a form of Paganism!

Paganism is actually the -oldest- religion in the world, a religion in which every culture once followed. It was the sacredness of the fire that we gathered ourselves about, it was the sacredness of the waters we bathed in, and it was reverence to the earth itself for providing such bounty. Imagine for a moment that you are ancient man...or woman! To see the world around you in unspoiled beauty, to find wonder in each plant and animal, and to touch and feel the elements around you all the time. You were alive. The air filled your lungs, clean, crisp, and clear. The sky; raw, new, expanding the entire heavens. Each leaf glistening like a thousand diamonds in the morning dew. This is your world, and the world is sacred unto you.

 The word Paganism itself is an umbrella term. Kind of like the word Christianity is as well. Many people call themselves a Christian, but they may further specify with Baptist, Methodist, Presbyterian, Catholic, etc. Those are merely forms or branches of Christianity. Just like you can be a Pagan, and you can then say you're Asatru, Wiccan, Hindu, etc. Or maybe you don't want label yourself as any one denomination, opting to find your own path with influences from multiple groups. And that's ok! Hey, some would even say normal. The beauty of a path such as this is that it's all about you. What makes sense to you. What feels right to you. So explore, study, experiment!

But wait a minute? I thought Paganism and Wicca were the same thing!

And this is where it can get confusing for some people, and this actually took us quite a while to understand ourselves, but we will do our best to break it down simply. All Wiccans are Pagans, but not all Pagans are Wiccans! On the grand scale of Religions, Wicca is fairly new. It was popularized in the 1950s in Britain by Gerald Gardner, and later in the 1960s by Alex Sanders. They would eventually create their own traditions and covens which would be respectively known as Gardenarian Witchcraft and Alexandrian Witchcraft. It was these groups who would take the love of "The Craft" to their American cousins! From there Wicca caught on, especially on the west coast. The San Francisco Bay area became a hot spot for the "Neo-Pagan" community and it was these Americans who would establish Wicca as an official state recognized religion in the 1970s! 

So while Paganism itself is older than Wicca, Wicca helped open the doors for greater religious understanding and gave those who sought the pagan path the ability to do so. Now, we don't usually like to get sappy here at Swishe & Flicke but, we just wanted to take a minute to say, "Thank you." Thank you to all of the pagans who came before our generation, thank you for championing for our rights, and thank you for paving the way. Swishe and I were lucky enough to grow up in a generation where we may have been looked down upon for our religious choices, but we were never bullied for it, or ostracized. And it's thanks to everyone who came before us that allowed us to start our blog, have an amazing pagan community, and to practice our religion the way we choose. So, if your lucky enough to have elder pagans in your community, make sure that you send them an extra special thank you today! 

Stay tuned Darlin's! We will be posting more this week!

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

We are... Swishe & Flicke!

Evening darlin's! We are Swishe & Flicke! Here to help guide you down your exciting (and confusing) pagan path. It can be hard to find reliable information when you're first starting out, or even if you've been at it for awhile. Some are lucky enough to have a metaphysical shoppe to turn to but if you don't, know what its like. You're standing in the New Age or Spirituality section of your local bookstore, staring at the plethora of varied books thinking "Well...what now?" Where do I start? What's the difference between a Wiccan and a Pagan? What is Magick? Don't you need an element, a God, a tool? Slow down crazy, we'll get to that. 

For now, how about we let you know why we would like for you to consider us a "reliable source". Together, we have over two decades of knowledge and experience in our Pagan path. We have had the pleasure of working with pagans of many different paths and traditions in order to expand our horizon. We have already read the books, taken the classes and interviewed the elders. Why? So you don't have to! Well, not yet at least. Now, we are no masters. In truth, few people are. Paganism is a term far more broad and all encompassing than you may realize. 

In the next couple of weeks we will be discussing the foundations or the basics. Now if you are just starting your journey, we invite you to come along with us! We will also begin the foundations of our Major Arcana Tarot card project! So stay tune for some stunning visuals as we look into the Magick of the tarot! So welcome Darlin's and Remember,"We make Magick as easy as.... Swishe & Flicke!"

Monday, August 12, 2013

Didn't Get Your Hogwarts Invitation? Neither Did We...

Must be nice...
Some people may get owls for their twelfth birthday; Some people may get to go to a luxurious boarding school where they learn everything about being a good Witch or Wizard; and some people (like us) gagged with envy when we realized that unfortunately there wasn't a Hogwarts for us to go to!
As much fun as it would be to belong to the world of Mr. Potter, the only thing that we have in common with him is the fact that we both call ourselves Witches, and desire for everyone
to have a safe environment to learn about Magick.
Do you want to wave a wand, say things in Latin, and have eye popping and astounding results? Well! So do we! And when you find out the secret to making that work for you, make sure you let us know! Because as my mother would say, "That's a skill you could take straight to the bank." Unfortunately for us real pagans and practitioners of the craft, learning the art of Magick isn't like that at all.. 
It's a Spiritual Thing.
Some of you may have just recently joined the Pagan or Wiccan community, others may have been practicing for a long time, and others... well you might not know what you believe yet; and that's okay. The purpose of this blog is to help all of you who are just getting your feet wet as a new pagan, or if you've been practicing awhile and you just want to catch up on the basics and learn some new tricks!
Who Are We?
To us, we were the kids who were never satisfied with "just because." We were the kids who played outside, believed in boogeymen, fairies, elves, and bedtime stories. We played in the woods making pretend potions out of herbs and grass, and we cried when our parents told us that "magic" wasn't real. 
And we were also the kids who would later learn "magic" wasn't; but Magick was.
So sit back, pour yourself some tea, and allow us to introduce ourselves...!